Two local suspects, aged 33 and 25, have been arrested for being in possession of R60 000-worth of illegal products which included Rohypnol tablets and dagga plants.

Police intercepted the pair at a residence in Lansdowne, Cape Town, yesterday afternoon.

The arrest was initiated after an intelligence driver operation found out that a supply of Rohypnol, a common date rape drug often called ‘roofies’, had entered Cape Town and was destined for the local black market.

South African Police Services spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel André Traut says that the tablets were found to have been sent from Durban.

“Information at our disposal indicated that the schedule five drug was dispatched from Durban[,] and our investigations resulted in a search operation at a residence in Lansdowne yesterday afternoon,” Traut says.

Upon arrival at the Lansdowne residence, police forces found 200 Rohypnol tablets valued at an estimated R30 000, dagga plants and other illicit products valued at R30 000.

In addition, the police confiscated two motor vehicles at the residence.

Traut believes the illegal drugs were to be used to harm women.

“We have reason to believe that the Rohypnol tablets were earmarked for sexual crimes against women,” he says.

This arrest comes after two incidences of drug facilitated sexual assault took place in Cape Town, prompting Triangle Project, a human rights agency to warn the public to be cautious of drinks offered by strangers. 

The two suspects are expected to make a court appearance in Wynberg.

South African Police Services/ Dagga plants
SAPS/ Dagga plants


Picture: South African Police Services/ Rohypnol tablets


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