Cape Town is predicted to experience heavy downpours over the course of this evening as well as tomorrow—so much so that the South African Weather Service (SAWS) has issued a warning to the City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management Centre about adverse weather conditions and the possibility of sudden local floods.

“Heavy rain is expected over the Cape Metropole overnight into tomorrow morning,” the warning reads.

The city metropole is predicted to be the recipient of 10-25mm of rain, while mountainous areas may receive between 3-45mm of rain.

“The impact of heavy downpours over a short period may lead to localised areas of flash flooding,” SAWS warns. “This, in turn, may lead to damage to informal settlements and increased motor vehicle accidents.”

Dam levels have recently dipped to just below 70%, and as the City has just implemented Level 3 water restrictions many residents are concerned that current water supplies are in danger of being depleted.

The city has attributed the lowering dam levels to a combination of hot weather, increased consumption and natural evaporation, but locals are still fearful of another Day Zero crisis.

A recent study conducted by the University of Stellenbosch and the University of Cape Town has begged the question of whether residents’ fear of Day Zero played a significant role in averting the water crisis, and the City’s Priya Reddy had the following to say: “The City of Cape Town is pleased that its communication campaigns and initiatives have been recognised by these institutions as a very necessary part of the strategy to bring water consumption down to required levels.”

“The City’s overall management of the unprecedented water crisis, including its behavioural, awareness and general communication strategies, as well as its demand reduction strategies have been internationally recognised as well. At all times decisions were made in an honest and transparent manner and were informed by data, such as the weekly water dashboard which was available [to] all stakeholders. Water restrictions will always be a vital intervention during drought times as can be seen around the world,” she added.

Picture: Pixabay


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