Never fear Capetonians – the Cape Town Cycle Tour will still take place this Sunday.

However, due to a number of factors relating to the fire that has been ravaging the peninsula, the ride this year will be dramatically shortened from 109 km to 47 km.

The new route for the Cape Town Cycle Tour will begin at the Civic Centre as usual, double back along the M3 and finish in Green Point.

New Cape Town Cycle Tour route
The new Cape Town Cycle Tour route

The event has a new ethos too, as a solidarity ride to show support for the brave men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to protect our homes, our lives and the natural beauty of the peninsula. Follow the hashtag #showyoucaresolidarityride for more.

The unprecedented shortening of the route is due to organisers being unable to guarantee the safety of riders on the iconic Chapman’s Peak stretch of the tour:

‘The extensive fire has destroyed vegetation responsible for retaining the mountainside above Chapman’s Peak. Furthermore, the heat has caused rocks to expand making them unstable and in some instances rock falls have occurred,’ say organisers.

Ou Kaapse Weg is out too, as the ash lining the road is a serious health risk to riders, and emergency services still need easy access and egress to the South Peninsula to keep battling the blaze.


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