During the festive season, the number of fatal and near drownings in the Western Cape double. However, on New Year’s Day, two locals, Dewald Van der Westhuizen and Hannes Swart, prevented another one of these from happening when they saved a man from tragedy with their compassion and quick actions.

Many revellers at the beach on January 1 were touched by the heroic actions of two young Captonians who acted immediately when they noticed a swimmer at Blaauwberg Beachfront, who had been swimming outside of the designated safe area under the influence of alcohol, struggling to stay above water.

Without thinking twice, the pair took action, and grabbing an NSRI Pink Buoy, the two swam straight out to rescue the drowning man, putting their own lives on the line by doing so. Bystander Ricardo J. Rossouw caught the heroic rescue on video.

After the successful rescue, and once they had ensured that the man was safe and in the reliable hands of paramedics who had arrived on the scene, they came together with their family and said a prayer in gratitude for their safety and the abilities that allowed them to save the man.

This heartwarming scenario carries a beautiful message of consideration and kindness that is not often heard, especially in the midst of high tensions between various communities in the Cape. Van der Westhuizen and Swart proved that cultural, racial, economic and language differences do not have to separate us and that good deeds do go a long way.


Pictures: Ricardo J. Rossouw Facebook


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