An elderly couple who were murdered in their Ottery home have been identified as Rugaya and Riedwaan Addinall. The two were buried on Monday evening according to Islamic burial rites. Originally from Blackheath, the couple had been living in Ottery for just 18 months before they were brutally murdered.

According to reports, the couple’s son found his parents strangled to death where they were living in a separate entrance home on the property. It is alleged that neighbours in the area believe the killers knew the couple.

The neighbours also claim that the couple was strangled during a robbery, and video cameras from neighbouring homes captured footage of the killers fleeing.

“Neighbours saw the men carry away small appliances but never suspected anything,” a neighbour, who preferred to remain anonymous, said to IOL.

Both Rugaya and Riedwaan were 82 years old at their time of death. Rugaya is reported to have been frail with age, while her husband suffered from arthritis.

Anyone who has any information on the murders is urged to contact their nearest police station, Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or SMS Crimeline on 32211.

*Previous reports stated that the couple was murdered in Lansdowne, but it has emerged that the murders in fact occurred in Ottery.

Picture: Pixabay


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