The longest-running game show in South Africa, Noot vir Noot, will be saying farewell to its renowned host Johan Stemmet, who will be hosting the show for the last time on this evening, on Thursday January 17 2019.

Noot vir Noot has been airing on South African television for 28 years and has been hosted by Stemmet since its beginning on July 27 1991. Stemnet is well-known for his likeable, comedic on-stage personality, colourful shirts and creatively designed waist-coats.

Stemmet announced the ending of his Noot vir Noot career on social media, but assured his followers that he would be leaving the show on a “high note”.

“Now, the big finale of Noot via Noot lies ahead. In the 28 years I have worked on the show, I know in my heart that this will be the most exciting final program yet. You definitely should not miss this show … You won’t regret it. Have a lovely evening, friends,” he said.

News24 has reported that Stemmet’s will host will be airing this evening at 7pm on SABC 2.

Stemmet has worked on a whopping 700 episodes and 43 seasons as the host of Noot vir Noot.

The 66-year-old presenter was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2018 South African Film and Television Awards (SAFTAs).

The game show will be revamped and a new host will take over from Stemmet

South Africans took to social media to share their sadness in Stemmet stepping down from his post.


Picture: Johan Stemmet/ Facebook




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