Two South African volunteers travelled to Cape Town and endured a 16 hour road trip, with an emergency stop in Beaufort West to help save a fragile pug who had a fractured pelvis and several other injuries.

Pug Rescue South Africa, an organisation based in Benoni Johannesburg, rescues, rehabilitates and offers sanctuary to Pugs in the country, took in the injured little Ohana the pug to provide him with the necessary medical attention.

A social media post by the organisation explains how they were notified about Ohana.

“We were alerted to a Pug with a fractured pelvis in Cape Town to no fault of his owner. Unfortunately she could not afford the specialist surgery this boy so desperately needs so she put his needs first and surrendered him to Pug Rescue SA.”

Ohana, the rescued pug.

Founder of Pug Rescue South Africa, Cheryl Gaw explains what the cause of the fractured pelvis may have been.

“We believe that he got out of the garden and that he was hit by a car,” she said.

Ohana, as he was aptly named means family and the rescue organsation was not going to leave him behind, ensuring that they go above and beyond to help this pup.

We have decided to name this Pug Ohana because Ohana means family and family never gets left behind or forgotten.” 

Pug rescue aimed to get Ohana to Pretoria in order to be treated by specialist surgeon and veterinarians at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital.

Unfortunately due to his fracture pelvis, Ohana was unable to fly to Pretoria, prompting two volunteers to step up to the challenge and drive the pug 16 hours or 1400km.

Pug Rescue is flying a veterinary nurse and a volunteer to Cape Town from Johannesburg on the first available flight tomorrow morning. We are then hiring a car for the volunteer to drive from Cape Town to Johannesburg while the veterinary nurse ensures our boy is comfortable and pain free for the journey.” they said.

The two volunteers, Kira Mane a veterinary nurse and Andrea Poulter ensured that Ohana made his way safely to Pretoria.

Kira Mane and Andrea Poulter travelling to Cape Town

During their journey Mane and Poulter had to make an emergency stop in Beaufort West as Ohana was suffering from severe pain.

“His heart rate had increased and he was showing other symptoms of pain. We are so lucky that we managed to find such an incredible vet who just wanted to help Ohana regardless of it being short notice on a Saturday afternoon. The Dr sorted Ohana out who is feeling so much better and is fast asleep again.”

Gaw explains why Ohana had to be transported to Pretoria for surgery.

“We would not be able to afford the expensive medical services in Cape Town and alternative specialists are available in Pretoria”

Ohana was kept comfortable and monitored throughout the trip and never allowed the pain to break his spirit.

“Although he is in so much pain and dealing with so much right now Ohana still gives us a wag of his tail when we talk to him and looks at us with his big eyes almost saying thank you.”

Thorough assessment at the veterinarian in at Onderstepoort, Ohana was found with an infection in both eyes, a bladder infection, flea infestation, internal parasites, multiple older wounds and scabs, at least three fractures to his pelvis and very poor body condition.

“Ohana’s pelvis is much worse than we initially thought. He has multiple fractures and the one part is actually shattered into many pieces. Ohana also has no feeling in his hind left leg due to his nerve being affected from the pelvic fractures.”

After a long journey the trio finally arrived in Pretoria at the specialist veterinarian.

Ohana is currently in surgery and Gaw explains that this is only the start of his recovery at the young age of two years.

“Ohana has a long road ahead due to nerve damage and a shattered pelvis.”

Ohana in the ICU before his surgery and several assessments of his current condition.

Surgeons aim to reconstruct his pelvis and hopefully decrease the existing pressure on his nerve.

Gaw says the organsation is dedicated to the welfare of all animals, Ohana included.

“We could not just put him down, Ohana is a sentient being and must be treated as one.”

Picture: Pug Rescue, Ohana sleeping while traveling to Pretoria


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