Sun Met-winning horse trainer Eric Sands was violently attacked and robbed at the Milnerton Training Centre on Tuesday. Sands, who is 62 years old, was in the yard of his stables when an axe-wielding intruder attacked him.

He was overpowered when three more assailants, all armed with knives, joined the fray and tied him up in his office. The attackers made off with R7 500 in cash as well as an undisclosed amount of foreign currency.

As reported by IOL, horse racing and betting operator Phumelela Gaming condemned the attack.

“Unfortunately, we live in a country where crime has seemingly become part of everyday life and we are not immune against it,” the betting operator said. “We are all shocked at the events of last week Wednesday and I want to assure Eric that he can count on everyone at Phumelela for support during this traumatic time.”

Phumelela added that it would do everything in its power to make sure the perpetrators are brought to justice.

There was a security guard on duty when the attack took place, but they heard nothing.

Picture: Twitter


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