Locals looking to tend to their mental health can now do so for a fraction of the price, thanks to The Counselling Hub in Woodstock, which now offers sessions with mental health professionals for just R50.

The Counselling Hub is an initiative of the KK Educational Fund (KKEF) and the SACAP Foundation, a non-profit organisation working towards providing accessible and affordable mental health services for the public.

This initiative comes after the realisation of just how big the gap in access to mental health care is for most working people in the province as well as the country as a whole.

There are roughly 2.75 psychologists for every 100 000 people available in the public sector, while the need for quality mental health services is widespread, especially in low-income communities.

The price tag for private mental health care can range from R350 to R1 200 per hourly counselling session, making it impossible for those with low incomes or students to make use of these services.

The Counselling Hub is located at 52 to 54 Francis Street in Woodstock, and provides one-on-one counselling for up to six sessions for those facing crises such as trauma, anxiety, depression, as well as group workshops on a large range of mental health topics.

Residents can find out more on The Counselling Hub website or book a session by calling 021 462 3902. They are also open for visits on weekdays between 9am and 4.30pm.


Picture: Pexels


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