At Noop Restaurant, guests are sure to feel as at home as the people there, who spend more time there than they do their own homes, after all.

Many guests that visit are known by name; many of them have become friends with the people at Noop over the years. Your first impression when visiting is one of homeliness.

Set under two elegant old oak trees, the beautiful heritage building in which the restaurant is set exudes warmth and hospitality. The owners, once customers, have felt attached to Noop since they first took over in 2012.

Prize Details:
One lucky reader will win a R1 000 voucher to experience lunch or dinner at Noop Restaurant.

How to enter:
Simply enter your details on the form below so we can contact you if you win.

Competition Ts & Cs:
– The winners will be announced on the morning of Thursday, March 28

– Winners will be contacted via details entered on the form
– Winners are required to claim their prize by Friday, March 29 or another winner will be drawn
– Prizes are not refundable and cannot be exchanged for money.

– Prize is valid for three months.

– Competition closes on Tuesday March 26 2019.


Picture: Supplied

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