The Western Cape Blood Service (WCBS) will have a new addition to go with its recent rebranding  as its headquarters will be powered by solar panels.

The organisation, which provides essential blood services to many hospitals in the Western Cape, will now make use of clean energy to keep its lights on.

The solar PV system was designed and constructed by SOLA Future Energy, and comprises of more than 676 solar panels and four solar inverters – these convert current electricity harvested from the sun into usable electricity.

“At the Western Cape Blood Service, a reliable supply of energy is critical to our operations and the sustainability of our organisation,” WCBS chief executive, Dr. Greg Bellairs, said to IOL.

“We always consider the environment in which we operate, and we are proud to move to solar power as the first step towards cleaner energy.”

According to Bellairs, WCBS headquarters consumes just under one-million kilowatts per year.

The new solar energy system will save the service more than a third of its energy requirements, and can be used for up to 25 years.

“Climate Change will affect human health, particularly in Africa,” Chief executive of SOLA Future Energy Dom Wills said. “Procuring renewable energy is an admirable way of displaying a commitment to reducing the effects of climate change and ensuring better health of individuals in the Western Cape region.”

Picture: Pixabay


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