Cape Town International Airport was named Best Airport in Africa at the 2019 Skytrax World Airports Awards a week ago, and selected guests were given a breakdown of the upgrades in store for the airport.

This is the fourth consecutive year that Cape Town International has won the sought-after award, which recognises airports for their excellence on a global scale.

“I would like to congratulate the Chief Executive Officer of the airport, Deon Cloete, and his team on their fine achievement for the fourth year in a row. You have developed a winning formula that is being recognised globally for service excellence in the industry,” said Mayco Member for Economic Opportunities and Asset Management, James Vos. “[The] airport contributed R4,7-billion to South Africa’s economy. It made a R2-billion contribution to the income of South African and Cape Town workers and supported 43 608 direct and indirect jobs in South Africa.” 
The airport upgrades are planned to take place over the next five years and will include:
– The refurbishment of the domestic arrivals terminal
– The expansion of the international terminal
– A runway alignment, in order for the terminals to be expanded
– A new runway that will allow the airport to increase its landings and departures per hour, from 30 – 45 aircraft movements. New generation aircrafts will now be more easily handled at the airport as well.
“This project will unlock the full potential of our aviation economy by connecting Cape Town with many more countries, resulting in additional trade and investment opportunities. It will drive demand that makes business sense,” Economic Opportunities MEC Beverly Schafer said. “Tourism is one of the economic engine rooms of this province and it is responsible for the creation of thousands of jobs both in the city and in the province’s rural areas. The new airport development project will contribute towards growing this important sector through increased connectivity and tourist numbers. It will also improve on the world-class and award-winning offering that visitors already receive when they travel through Cape Town International Airport.” 
Picture: Twitter


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