Actors Life, directed by Tamryn Speirs, explores actors’ identities in the film and theatre industry, personal relationships, and society at large. Guests can expect a witty exposé of the neurotic, emotional, and paranoid world inhabited by someone whose self-worth is completely dependent on the opinion of others.

Visitors are invited to hear these life tales at The Baxter Masambe, from May 28 to June 1, from 7pm. 

Join Speirs on her journey and being a woman trying to be everyone in all the stereotypical female roles she plays – illustrating the complexity of being female within an industry where women are largely idolized, commodified or simply ignored.

Tickets are priced at R80 for students or groups, and R100 per person. There is an age restriction of 13 (parental guidance advised). For more info visit

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