Firefighter Grant Bougaardt is being lauded a hero after he risked his life to save a kitten from a burning building in Heathfield last month.

When Bougaardt and his team arrived at the burning shop, they worked hard to put out the blaze. In the process, Bougaardt stumbled upon the ginger kitten, which had stopped breathing. The brave firefighter then proceeded to perform CPR on the animal to save its life.

According to Bougaardt, he would not have been able to save the kitten’s life were it not for the assistance of his team. After the little cat drew its first breath, the team celebrated.

The animal was handed over to the onsite medical team to be placed on oxygen before being transported to a vet on nearby Rosmead Avenue.

After saving the kitten’s life, Bougaardt grew attached to it and made the decision to adopt it.

“I’m going to adopt him as soon as they give me the go-ahead,” he said.

The kitten has been living with Bourgaardt, his wife and two children since being deemed healthy by the vet who treated him.

READ: Firefighter saves kitten using CPR

Picture: Pixabay


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