After wildlife biologist Rich Mason’s friend told him how many frogs were dying in his pool, he realised how harmful swimming pools can be to small animals and decided to do something about it.

One of Mason’s passions in life is the conservation of wildlife and he realised that if his friend was witnessing this problem, many other people were sure to be too.

“One morning, after a warm rainy night, an astonishing 53 frogs and toads were found in the pool,” Mason writes. “I spoke with other friends with swimming pools who also said frogs are regularly found in their pools. In addition to frogs, there was the occasional mole, mouse, baby bird, opossum, turtle, salamander, squirrel, bat, chipmunk, and more.”

First Mason set out to find a product that he could suggest to his friends to help solve the problem, but once he realised there was no such thing, he decided to invent one himself.

The FrogLog is a floating device that acts as an escape ramp that critters can use to climb out of the water. The device has a mesh ladder that animals can use to pull themselves up on and climb out of the pool. Mason first gave the product to close friends as a test and before he knew it, people all around the world were using it.

During the approaching rainy season in Mother City you just may find a few small creatures trapped in your pool, pond or other water features and this invention is the way to save them.

The FrogLog is now available for sale here.

Mason who is based in the US is often contacted by customers from around the world, telling him about how his invention is saving lives.

A woman in Ontario, Canada wrote to Mason to tell him she was initially skeptical, “but then I saw a baby Eastern fox snake use it to get out of our pool. This snake is an endangered species and protected under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act. I just wanted to let you know and say thank you.”

If you’re concerned about the precious little animals and possible endangered creatures like the Cape’s Western leopard toad getting trapped in your pool, this is a great investment.


Picture: FrogLog


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