The Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khayelitsha has managed to find homes for 20 stray dogs that were in their care. The veterinary clinic was at double its capacity of dogs this week, as a result, would have been forced to euthanise a number of the dogs.

Speaking to CapeTalk, the clinic’s fundraising and communications manager, Marcelle Du Plessis, explained how the process of adopting a dog takes place.

“The initial process is that they fill in a form which helps us understand the home better and thereafter we do a home check,” she said. “We have to make sure that the home and the people are best suited for the animal.”

Mdzananda Animal Clinic is a veterinary hospital, and has been existence for the past 23 years. It helps many abused, sick and abandoned animals from all corners of the Khayelitsha area. It helps rehabilitate them and find them suitable homes.

Miraculously Cape Town’s community stepped up and gave all 20 of these loving animals a home.

Picture: Pixabay


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