A Cape Town resident is doing all he can to repay the selfless actions of Lorenzo Anthony, a man who saved him from being robbed on a train.

Gareth Lundt launched a campaign to raise money for his hero, who committed a selfless act of bravery that few would when he saw Lundt being held at gunpoint by two men in a train carriage.

When the men approached Lundt on a train with a gun and asked him to hand over his belongings he thought he was a goner, but Lorenzo’s brave actions changed everything.

“If you saw someone been robbed at gunpoint, would you help? Well Lorenzo did – unarmed, he risked his very own life to help me while I was been robbed. I was approached by two males while on my way to work on the infamous Metrorail, they approached me and pulled a gun on me asking for my phone, which I obviously did not hand over.

“During the altercation between myself and the two assailants that were trying to rob me, I fought back and tried to grab the gun from the one assailant not knowing if it’s a real gun or not, as well as not knowing if it’s loaded or not. while I was trying to get the gun from the assailant, which he put up a fight for, I shouted in the train that the guy has a gun, that’s when Lorenzo jumped in,” Lundt said.

While other commuters in the carriage pretended not to see or ran away in fear, Anthony rose to the occasion and decided to help Lundt, someone he didn’t even know, in spite of what might happen to him. He simply felt the need to help a fellow human being.

“A total stranger who offered to be the one to help another stranger out also not knowing the fate as to whether this gun is loaded. With the help of Lorenzo, we were able to get the gun off the assailant,” said Lundt.

In an effort to repay the debt and express his thanks for the wonderful thing Anthony did for him, Lundt aims to raise R10 000 for Anthony through the campaign as a gift and to help him with his future endeavours.

“I have created this campaign to offer my utmost appreciation for the selfless act of bravery that Lorenzo showed while helping me while I was being robbed at gunpoint by two assailants. This priceless act of bravery puts Lorenzo among the heroes we should celebrate in our country. Lorenzo could have stayed backed and done nothing and could have let the assailants get away, however, he chose to help which I am thankful for. Funds will be given as a gift of appreciation to Lorenzo to use at his own will, for him and his family.

“Thank you, Lorenzo, your priceless act of bravery and help in making a citizen’s arrest does not go unnoticed,” Lundt says on the campaign page.

It is always difficult to rise above our fears and do something we know is right or try help someone even if we are not sure we can. Lorenzo Anthony is a shining example of the person we all want to be and has given many new hope and even courage to also help those in need, even if it scares us.

You can support the campaign to repay Anthony’s bravery here.

Picture: Lorenzo Anthony/Facebook


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