The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has predicted gale force north-westerly winds reaching speeds of 65-75km/ along the coastal areas between Cape Point and Cape Agulhas from early on Tuesday morning.

There is a 90% chance of rain for Tuesday, and temperatures will only rise to 14°C during the day. A low of 12°C is expected.

Disaster Risk Management has warned of huge swells increasing to 5.5m in height along the coastline, which makes navigation difficult. Activities like swimming and fishing are not advised during high seas.

In a statement, the SAWS said, “The mid to late winter months of June and July are typically the time of year when one can expect more intense, well-defined frontal systems, typically with the potential to bring snow, bitter cold and good rainfall to parched and largely drought-stricken parts of the Cape provinces.

“The short-term outlook for the week ahead sees a continuation of the recent trend for frequent cold fronts likely to develop over the southern oceans, which form the “breeding ground” or genesis area for much of our winter weather systems.”


Picture: Pixabay


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