A local restaurant is setting a generous example for eateries around the Mother City, all with a simple pot of soup and a show of unconditional love for fellow human being– no matter their background.

Plant in the Cape Town CBD whips up a warm pot of wholesome soup every day for those without money for food or a place to call home.

Cape Town has a large number of homeless residents, who can be seen walking around the CBD without a place to go or desperately asking for food or money at traffic lights and stop streets.

Now, Plant has taken it upon themselves to do something about this problem instead of continuing to look the other way.

A Plant employee dishing up some soup for someone in need.

Plant Café was first inspired to start cooking for the less fortunate when they saw another restaurant on Long Street by the name of Lola’s doing a weekly soup offering for those in need.

“We got this idea to make a daily kitchen soup when we saw our neighbors Lola’s doing a weekly one on Monday evenings. So, we share it as well !

We truly believe it is our first duty as restaurants. It does not cost much, yet it warms the bellies and the hearts and gives big smiles to everyone,” said the restaurant in a Facebook post.

The big pot of soup outside their store is not only a symbol of human unity but also a shining beacon for those who have little to lift them up throughout the day or help them keep going.

Plant has promoted plant-based meals and a positive space for vegans and other conscious consumers since 2013, visitors can enjoy all-vegan recipes that not only cater to those who abstain from animal-based meals but also those who suffer from food allergies, without compromising on taste.

“The soup has been very well received, its nice warm in the morning and is made from rich ingredients like carrot and potato. We start serving at about 9:30am, we serve about 50 cups of soup a day. We would ask that if residents want to donate something, that they would donate paper cups as it is a challenge for us to buy so many cups every day. It is important that the cups are not plastic as this goes against our principles,” says Pierre Lambret owner of the restaurant.

Locals are also welcome to bring clothes if they wish or ingredients for the soup.

If being kind and considerate to animals wasn’t already enough for you to support this unique establishment then being kind to your fellow human should be.

Winter is a cold and challenging time for all but especially for those without a place to go home to, and we could all take a leaf out of this caring café’s book and be extra considerate to fellow human beings. Hopefully, more establishments will start doing the same.

Pictures: Facebook/Plant Restaurant


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