Half of the Brownies and Downies coffee shop team, Wendy Vermeulen is finally back in SA and reunited with her husband after a long struggle that threatened the future of the unique establishment but now new plans are in the pipeline for an expansion of the business.

A five-year ban that was placed on the Dutch co-owner of the local spot by the Department of Home Affairs was lifted earlier this year and the inspiring work done by Vermeulen and her husband will continue along with exciting new plans.

Although Vermeulen is happy to be back in the country she told local radio show CapeTalk that the home affairs issues were not completely resolved and she was still waiting for her visa.

She discussed a new law that was passed in the Constitutional Court just two weeks ago, that allows foreigners married to South Africans the convenience of not having to go back to their home country to reapply for a visa every few months. She looks forward to eventually having permanent residence in South Africa soon.

On the local radio show Vermeulen and her husband discussed plans to take the Brownies and Downies concept nationwide expanding the franchise to other parts of the country, however, due to the lack of self-sustainability at the current store they are trying to sell brownies more broadly to better fund their planned expansion.

“We want to use all the donations we do get in to open up another shop,” said Vermeulen.

So if you see the awesome Brownies and Downies team out and about selling their delicious goods be sure to support and help them grow this amazing establishment and movement that spreads positivity and the support of our fellow human beings.

Follow Brownies and Downies here.

Picture: Facebook/Brownies and Downies


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