A recent spate of robberies targeting students in the Wynberg area has left parents worrying for their childrens’ safety.

A report by IOL states at that a pupil from Douglas Road Primary School was robbed of their cellphone at knifepoint while making their way down Shiplake Road on Wednesday. On the same day, another student was robbed at knifepoint near Wittebome High School.

There were also two incidents of students being mugged at the Ottery Road Methodist Primary School just after classes had been dismissed for the day. These incidents caused the provincial Department of Education to engage with their Safe Schools initiative on the issue.

“It is always a concern for us when learners are being targeted while on their way to and from school. Unfortunately, we are reliant on the local law enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of learners outside of school premises,” Department spokesperson Bronagh Hammond said to IOL.

“Information has been provided to Safe Schools in order for them to engage with schools to contact their local police stations to ensure a visible police presence when learners are travelling to and from school.”

Picture: Twitter


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