A local lady by the name of Poppie van As, owner of Poppie Se Roosterkoek, has been invited to share her delicious roosterkoek and Western Cape culture with locals in Italy and the community is rallying around her to help her make it to the Mediterranean nation.

Six years ago Poppie became friends by chance with Capetonian cycling enthusiast Stan Engelbrecht when he asked her to prepare some of her famous roosterkoek for a cycling event he was involved in. Poppie’s friendly personality and hot roosterkoek warmed the hearts of cyclists during the event, and a lifelong friendship was born between the two.

“Over the years she has made ‘roosterkoek’ at all my races, and she has become part of the family, so to speak,” says Engelbrecht.

Poppie was attending another cycling event with Engelbrecht in Montagu called Eroica when she received the invite. Eroica is an Italian event that is managed in South Africa and a number of Italian representatives were so impressed by Poppie’s delicious roosterkoek and amazing life story that they immediately invited her to attend the main Eroica event in Giaole, Italy as a special guest.

Engelbrecht and his girlfriend are more than happy to travel with Poppie as her escorts but Poppie needs funds not only to get to Italy in the first place, but to make this once-in-a-lifetime experience memorable and affordable.

In an effort to repay Poppie for her years of tasty and comforting cuisine, bright smile and unwavering determination, Engelbrecht has started a BackABuddy page to help her reach her dreams and share her passion with Italians who don’t know what they’ve been missing all these years.

“We will be flying from Cape Town to Bologna on 25 September 2019, and we would like to close donations on 15 September 2019.

“The funds we raise here will go towards Poppie’s visa appointment, travel to and from Cape Town, getting her a few things that will make her comfortable on her first airplane trip, and first visit overseas! Just some suitable clothing and sensible shoes maybe. We want her to feel comfortable and confident,” Engelbrecht said.

Poppie is 63 and has never left the Western Cape, for the first time in her life she will have the chance to venture outside of the country and see the wonders of Italy for 10 days.

“Having known Poppie for six years I know that this is a dream come true for her, and this experience will change her life forever. Please be part of it!” said Engelbrecht.

Help Poppie to make her dream a reality and share the culture of the Western Cape with the world here.

Pictures: Twitter/BackaBuddy


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