The man accused of robbing and murdering Ukrainian hiker Ivan Ivanov has appeared in the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court. Sinaye Mposelwa (25) will remain in custody until August 21, when he is due to appear in court for bail.

As reported by IOL, Hout Bay Community Crime Prevention (Hout Bay CCP) is working tirelessly to ensure that Mposelwa is not released following his bail application. The Hout Bay CCP and other community authorities are alleged to have played a big role in apprehending the suspected killer.

Ivanov was murdered over the weekend just as he was about to set off for a hike, one of his favourite activities. He was robbed and stabbed less than 10 metres from the Chapman’s Peak hiking trail parking lot before beginning the hike.

It is reported that Ivanov’s eldest son Gleb said that the CCP, the Hout Bay Community Police Forum and Table Mountain Watch are keeping him abreast of what happened with his father and it was also they who confirmed his death at the time.

The Hout Bay CCP team apprehended Mposelwa after finding the man to be in possession of Ivanov’s backpack.

The CCP has also created a petition asking the court to oppose the suspected murderer’s bail. “We are appealing to the greater Hout Bay community to stand together to ensure that an end is put to the attacks on residents and visitors alike. Hout Bay should be a safe place for all!” the petition reads.

To sign the petition to oppose bail for Ivan’s suspected killer, go to and search “oppose bail for Ivan Ivanov’s accused murderer”.

Picture: Supplied


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