The Environmental Education Centre at Two Ocean’s Aquarium is offering locals a wonderful series of free enriching courses for learners through the Marine Sciences Academy. Grade 7 pupils can now apply to take part in the Smart Living Course which teaches young children the importance of sustainability.

Participants will learn about the concept of sustainability through themes such as water, waste biodiversity and energy. Parents can now book their child’s spot to avoid disappointment.

The course is sponsored by the City of Cape Town and encourages children to think about their impact of the environment from an early age. The course aims to inspire learners to take positive action. This will better ensure a sustainable future for the environment and the future generations that live in it.

What will pupils learn during the course?

Paired with topics on human impacts on the environment and sustainable living, pupils will also be introduced to ecological concepts and marine ecosystems. The sustainable use of the ocean as a source of food, minerals, energy as well as recreation and tourism opportunities will also be taught. Those taking part in the course will also attend field trips to obtain practical insight.

The Smart Living Course teaches similar lessons to the interactive games played as part of the Aquariums Smart Living Challenge Zone exhibit which launched in 2015. The course takes it one step further immersing young participants in the science behind sustainability and pupils are taught the importance of understanding nature, how we affect nature and its processes.
The application process: 

Only Grade 7 learners in 2019 are allowed to participate in the course and applications can be made to [email protected]  or more information can be sought at 021 814 4555.

The course will run from September 23 to 27 2019 and the deadline for applications is August 23 2019.

No fees will be charged to any participants.

Check out other courses available at Two Oceans Aquarium here. 

Picture: Two Oceans Aquarium
