Quick action from a man helped save the life of his co-worker, who clutched at his chest and fell over while at work. The man’s first aid skills were all that stood between his colleague’s life and death.

“A 56-year-old man who collapsed at his workplace in Parow Industria this morning is fortunate to be alive thanks to the Designated First Aider who initiated CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation),” ER24 spokesperson Ross Campbell said in a statement.

Paramedics arrived at the factory where the incident occurred at approximately 8.55am on Tuesday, September 3, and found the man unresponsive.

“They were informed that he had clutched his chest just before collapsing and that the First Aider had been administering CPR for 10 minutes. Our medics were able to successfully resuscitate the man with the use of a defibrillator, rushing him to Tygerberg Hospital for further treatment,” Campbell added. “Our paramedics said that it was the patient’s quick thinking co-worker’s who called the Emergency Services and initiated CPR straight away that saved his life.”

Picture: Medical-News
