A Cape Town mother is warning parents to be vigilant about who they allow around their children, as she claims two women selling cupcakes attempted to kidnap her toddler daughter. According to Chantel Claasens, the women were selling cupcakes door-to-door, and were reported to drive a BMW E56, when they attempted to snatch her two-year-old.

“I was blessed enough to stop them in time because my baby girl was on the back seat already. They told her she must go with; there is another child waiting for her and that they have cupcakes for her,” she said in a video she shared to her Facebook page.

Claasens alleges that one of the women lures the child into the car while the other distracts the parent by selling them the R5 cupcakes.

“I always thought that this can’t happen to me or my children because I am very vigilant, very cautious when it comes to my kids. But it happened so quickly. These people pretended to be from Belgravia Road [in Athlone], trying to make an honest living selling cupcakes,” she said in the video.

“The matter you are referring to has been reported to the management of Manenberg police station and is being investigated internally. Once the mother’s statement has been obtained, the circumstances surrounding the incident will also be investigated criminally,” SAPS said upon responding to a query sent by Cape Town Etc.

Claasens has urged parents to beware of the danger.

“Just be cautious. Speak to your children not to go to strangers, not to be lured by the fact that it’s cupcakes or sweets or whatever form of luxury.”

Picture: Pixabay
