Enough Is Enough is a non profit organisation that works towards supporting victims of violence and rape by educating the communities around them and changing perceptions.

Going back as far as 2011, they have actively contributed to fighting for those that can’t fight for themselves. The organization was particularly inspired by a 9-year-old victim of rape who was also set alight during the incident. She was allegedly abducted and raped when she was walking to her father’s house alone.

The young victim unfortunately never got the chance to share her story. Elihle “Queenie” Hlanjwa, died in Delft hospital after two months of fighting for her life. Queenie had 10 surgeries since she was admitted to hospital on the morning of January 19 and although she showed improvement during her time at the hospital she eventually lost the battle.

Enough Is Enough is now furthering her cause and making a change so no others have to suffer the same way.

In 2013, the organisation was officially registered and decided this case was the final straw. The director of the NGO, Tracy Linde, holds an Honours diploma in Gender Based Violence, six different mental health certificates, Psychology first-aid, social worker course and Counselling to name a few, in order to help victims better.

Enough Is Enough is currently working with one of the top universities in the world, Johns Hopkins University, to better train police, medical staff, NGO’s, search-and-rescue teams and more to better understand how to deal with rape and/or abused victims and their families.

The organisation has realised that staff in such fields are not educated or equipped with the skills they need to treat victims of such crimes. Victims sometimes experience abuse all over again when trying to report the matter or get medical attention.

Enough Is Enough aims to better this by offering 50 000 people from police to medical staff and more to take the course through them which will be given by a lecturer from Johns Hopkins University. Once they are done with the course they will get a certificate from Johns Hopkins. This initiative, run yearly, will not only will help victims, but will also further educate people for future job opportunities in South Africa.

The organization is trying to raise funds to get the teaching underway and will be running events and more to raise the funds needed. They also plan to make 50 000 rape care packs within a year.

They are asking anyone in a position to donate even R20 via EFT or they can go to their Back A Buddy page.

South Africa is in urgent need of help when it comes to rape, abuse and murder and getting justice. Your small donation can make that difference. If you are an entertainer and would like to give your time for an event as another way of donating to the efforts, please do so.

If you would like to get in contact with the NGO please email: [email protected]
or go to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EnoughisEnoughSA

Banking details are as follows:

BRANCH: 250655
ACC: 62827842982
Reff: your name or Annon


Picture: Pixabay
