A mother and daughter who were walking their dog earlier this week were viciously attacked with a crowbar in the peaceful suburb of Durbanville.

It is alleged that the pair were attacked by an unknown number of assailants, who demanded their belongings. When one of the women refused, she was struck over the head with the crowbar. A resident in the area who witnessed the incident called a security company to assist the pair.

Speaking to News24, HALT security employee George Conradie said the security who had responded to the incident chased after the assailants, and caught one of them.

“There was a tussle,” said Conradie.

He added that another two HALT vehicles raced to the scene to offer their assistance and held the suspect until police arrived.

“I would like to commend the guys from HALT, who came to my daughter’s and my help when we were attacked while walking our dogs at 2.30 yesterday. We are thrilled that they chased down and caught one of the attackers who is in police custody. The attackers used an iron bar to hit me on the head and to break both of my daughter’s hands. She was also stabbed in the breast,” the mother wrote on the HALT Facebook page.

“So proud of you guys! Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are off to the orthopaedic surgeon for my daughter’s hands, and I need to see the dentist for several broken teeth. I have a 7cm gash in my head that had to be stitched. They beat my dog with an iron bar and tried to stab the female who is very nervous,” she added. “We are all a bit traumatised but will live to fight another day. They stole my wedding band, a thin silver chain with a tiny silver cross on it, and my Fit watch. Again thank you to HALT for their fabulous support. Please be warned!”

Picture: Pixabay
