If you’re bored of driving your car or tired of cycling up and down hills, but are an avid sightseer, this might be just the thing for you. Cape Sidecar Adventures makes exploring the Cape an especially fun and adventurous activity.

From the get go, the lively bunch of bikers are friendly and helpful, clothing you to look the part (even giving away free neck buffs) and making sure you are comfortable. You get all the coolness of driving a bike without having to actually drive the bike, giving you the feeling of being chauffeured around like back in the old days.

The view from one of our stops along the way.

My particular trip started in Sea Point and headed to Cape Point, which is a beautiful route indeed. Passing Clifton and Camps Bay, we drove along Chapman’s Peak Drive and entered the reserve to savour the stunning scenery from a different perspective.

As friendly as all the bikers were, my favourite member of the crew was Brody, the dog. He is well trained, wears his buff and goggles and sits perfectly upright in his own sidecar. With the sun on my face and the wind in my hair, I could easily imagine that I was on holiday.

Brody is the designated chaperone.

At Cape Point, we cruised down to the Cape of Good Hope landmark, where untouched nature surrounds you and the tranquility of the ocean renders you awestruck. A frisky ostrich in the field decided to race us  travelling back, and we let it win – just to be nice.

At the top, more splendid views awaited us. Climbing up to the iconic lighthouse gives you an almost 360 degree view of the ocean. Lady Luck was smiling and there was abundant sunshine with no wind.

Cape Point especially welcomes South African citizens, even offering a lowered entry fee of R76 instead of the whopping R303 international visitors have to cough up.

Pictures: Anita Froneman
