A Richards Bay pastor has called out a KwaZulu-Natal-based Curro School for featuring ‘satanic art made by one of their pupils.

In a video posted to Facebook, pastor Andrew Anderson shows artwork at a recent Grantleigh High School function. He is visibly upset as he calls the art ‘demonic and ‘satanic’.

“I am so upset, I am not emotional, I am upset. I walked into the school, into the school hall and there is some artwork being displayed from the matrics,” explains Anderson. “I couldn’t stand in here because it felt like they were crucifying Jesus all over again.”

Many of the artwork pieces by the student feature religious themes that have been edited to include a figure resembling Ronald McDonald. ‘Demonic figures’ are also featured in works depicting the Last Supper and The Creation of Adam. Paper-mâché sculptures of horned creatures were created using pages torn from the Bible.

Grantleigh High School is an independent, private Curro school. In their mission statement, it says that they aim to “uphold Christian values”.

Anderson’s children have been students of the school, and it was his youngest daughter’s last day when he filmed the video.

“My God is no clown. My God is God Almighty and I love him. We need to stand up strong against these things,” says Anderson. “I want you to share this video to many people and show them what our schools are standing for. Grantleigh school, which I’ve loved so much, it’s a disgrace. It broke my heart to see that you allowed this in the school.”

“I love this school. I love the teachers. I love them, they cared for my kids for a long, long time. I honour you, teachers, but I do not honour what you have allowed in the school. If things go wrong from here onwards, its because of what you have allowed to be part of the school.”

Anderson is calling on the country to protest against the school.

Watch the video below:

In a statement, Grantleigh High School responded to the outrage.

They write: “We have taken cognisance of the allegations made on social media; the matter is currently subject to an internal investigation. We want to reiterate that comments made is not an accurate reflection of our school and the situation referred to and we reserve our rights in this regard.”

Picture: Facebook
