Volunteering as a nurse at a government hospital, Marilyn May was helping new mothers and one particular baby in the nursery was crying terribly. Picking it up and comforting the infant, she was told that this baby was abandoned and had no mommy waiting to hold it in her arms. She was incredibly touched and wanted to do something about it. So this biological mother of two opened up her home to care for vulnerable babies from all over the province under the age of 12 months.

So this biological mother of two opened up her home to care for vulnerable babies from all over the province under the age of 12 months.

She even went further than that, receiving training as a professional guardian (screened by the Department of Social Development to provide immediate temporary care for children who’ve been found or rescued) and registered the organisation, Atlantic Hope.

Here, she cares for the little ones until they can be reunited with their parents or are adopted into good homes. The babies placed into her care come from various backgrounds and are in need of a home for different reasons.

Talking to Beauiful News about the first baby she ever fostered, she said: “To physically have this little abandoned infant on my shoulder was hard hitting. As I looked after him, I felt that this was something I had been practising my whole life.” She knew this was something she was passionate about. “I decided to open up my door and my heart to as many as possible,” May added.

This lady with heart of gold welcomes donations to support her cause. For more information or contact details, visit her website.

Picture: Facebook/Beautiful News
