The Overstrand, also known as the Cape Whale Coast, is putting the Cape’s excellence on show yet again, being named one of United Nations Education Scientific’s (UNESCO) latest Creative Cities under the category of gastronomy.

This area includes quaint towns such as Betty’s Bay, Onrus, Hermanus and Standford.

Other South African cities who have earned this title include Cape Town and Durban for their design and literature.

The Overstrand Hermanus area now takes the title of Africa’s first gastronomy centre, named so because of their exceptional wines and cuisine.

Sixty-six new cities made it onto the UNESCO list this year with the Overstrand being the only one in Africa to make the cut. Overstrand has been added to the category of gastronomy alongside Merida in Mexico, Bergamon in Italy and Hyperabad in India.

Cities who apply for the Creative City status need to remain committed to ensuring creativity.  Creative economies are at the centre of UNESCO’s urban development plans for making cities safer, more resilient, inclusive and sustainable.

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