The country is up in arms and shocked after pan-African investment, savings, insurance, and banking group, Old Mutual did not pay up on a funeral claim, leading the family to deliver the body of the deceased to their offices.

Old Mutual failed to pay out so the family involved in the claim arrived at their offices in KZN with the dead family member in a body bag. The family left the body there in protest and as proof of the death after the company did not pay their death benefit due to a delay.

Videos of the body being delivered made their way onto Twitter, causing an uproar with locals everywhere, with many questioning and slamming the company for their insensitivity.

The company has since paid out the claim, saying that the delay was due to another assessment being done and that nearly 100% of funeral claims are paid within a number of hours.

Since the debacle went viral, many South Africans have taken to Twitter to share their outrage or just respond to the shocking incident.

Picture: Twitter

