There has been an increase in attacks on mountains over the last year, with many victims being left attacked and some even killed. One victim, Murray Middleton, shares his story.

Speaking to Cape Talk, Murray Middleton details his frightening experience being brutally attacked whilst hiking Devils Peak. Back in 2018, Middleton and three other trail runners were attacked, tied up and stabbed multiple times by five assailants on the popular hiking trail.

Middleton was ambushed by two guys brandishing large knives, who then forced him off the trail, where three other men were waiting. The other victims were already tied up. They made Middleton strip off his clothes, tied him up, gagged him and then made him lay on the ground for 45 minutes while the attackers continued to look for other victims.

After an hour, Middleton and the victims were all robbed and stabbed multiple times then left to die as their attackers escaped. The victims were able to release themselves from their ties and report the crime.

Luckily, the police and SANParks were able to apprehend four of the five suspects.

Middleton believes the attack was motivated by more than just robbing them.

“They were looking to rob people, but not just to rob people,” Middleton said. “It was a lot more of a hate crime than a mugging…They were speaking mostly in Xhosa but let us know what was going on. One of the guys that was attacked with us understood Xhosa and he said that they were saying that they were going to slaughter us like cattle.”

The four victims will appear in court today to testify on the attack.

Picture: Pixabay

