Some things could only ever happen in South Africa. A recent video showing a man being robbed while in the process of robbing a store has left many locals splitting at the sides with laughter.

The incident took place at a Shoprite Usave supermarket in northern Gauteng and a camera in the store was able to capture the peculiar scene that played out during the robbery.

Turns out not even criminals are safe in South Africa, as the footage shows a man holding the cashier at gun point while he loots the cash register. At the bottom right corner of the screen a man can be seen carefully but daringly crawling along the floor to pick up money that is falling from the register drawer as the robber frantically tries to stuff it into a bag.

The man made a swift escape crawling under a turnstile and behind the cashier desk.

Since the video went viral on Twitter, many locals have taken to the platform to express their surprise and find the humour in the otherwise dark situation, commenting things such as “Only in SA” and “South Africa is a country of possibilities”.

A case was opened but no arrests have been made.

Watch the video here:

Picture: Twiter
