A plea for help from New Zealand resident Brigeeta Light calling the world to join hands in thinking of Australia has gone viral and South Africa has pledged to join in.

Australia is fighting for every breath amidst raging fires, seeing thousands having to flee their hometowns to seek safety.

So, in light of the dire circumstances, Brigeeta is asking the world to do the one thing we all can: Send our thoughts.

Brigeeta asks everyone who pledges to join the dedication to pray for or think of rain. “Human and animals lives are at risk- with both human and many animal fatalities already. They need a miracle to bring on the rain,” Brigeeta says.

In South Africa, tonight on January 3 at 9pm, spare three minutes to pray or dedicate your thoughts to the devastated nation.

The power of human kindness and empathy have amazed the world many times in the past. Whatever religion or belief you hold, let’s all take a small piece of our day to think of others.


Picture: Unsplash
