Can one plant make a difference? The magical plant known as the Spekboom is starting a revolution and inspiring locals everywhere to do their part to combat climate change, one potted plant at a time.

Also known as Pork Bush or Elephant’s Food, this tree of wonder has the ability to absorb the highest amounts of carbon dioxide when compared to any other plant in existence. A healthy thicket of this treasure trove is said to be ten times more effective at removing carbon dioxide from the air than the Amazon Forest, which is known as the lungs of the earth for its contribution to cleaning the air and removing carbon dioxide.

On top of this, Spekboom can live up to 200 years and has the ability to adapt to its surroundings, ensuring a long and beneficial life once planted. It is also an edible plant with very high nutritional value that can be used in a variety of ways. If all of this wasn’t enough to inspire your love for Spekboom, it is also a highly water-wise plant, needing up to half the water of other plants to survive, meaning its not only easy to grow but also easy for those living in areas suffering from droughts or water shortages to care for.

Since the news of this magical plant reached the ears of a number of locals, a movement has began that could see the tide of climate change turn for good.

Residents and South Africans everywhere are motivating each other to plant at least 10 Spekbooms in 2020, saying that if we all do just this it will be enough to significantly clear the air in our country, contribute towards reducing overall carbon dioxide counts significantly and hopefully make our Earth a healthier planet.

The Cape has already joined the cause in a number of ways, with a wine farm in the Karoo planning to plant one million spekbooms in the next year and Stellenbosch building the biggest labyrinth in Africa made completely out of Spekbooms.

If you join the Spekboom Challenge, share your newly planted spekboom on social media with the tag #Spekboomchallenge to join in on the sustainable movement that could make our world a better place for all.

Also Read:

Wine farm aims to plant 1-million spekbooms

Stellenbosch labyrinth to be biggest in Africa

Picture: Twitter
