Transform your financial future at the Wealth Summit three City Tour with Conray Labuschagne, one of the world’s top cryptocurrency experts and top trading market expert, Andrew Walker.

The Wealth Summit 2020 is an intensive program that aims to educate and help you understand your financial well-being and create a wealth mindset enlightened by globally recognised trainers and speakers. The topics that will be discussed at the Summit include Passive Income Strategies, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency, Gold & Property Investment, Global Market Trading and Wealth Mindset.

During the Wealth Summit, you will learn how to build your own strategy, explore the tools best suited for you based on your unique needs & situation to become financially independent.

The tour will be in Johannesburg on March 14, in Durban on March 21, and in Cape Town on March 22.

Ticket prices:

Bronze: R997 – free if you book early bird tickets

General: R1,997 –  R297 if you book early bird tickets

Vip: R3997 – R997 of you book early bird tickets

Book at

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