A dogfight was broken up in Ocean View on Tuesday, February 11 by Cape of Good Hope inspectors, with the team managing to save one of the dogs involved in the fight.

Unfortunately, the culprits who arranged the dogfight fled the scene, taking with them the other dog involved in the fight. The dog who was rescued has been taken to the animal hospital for further care.

“Further investigations are underway and charges of illegal dogfighting will be opened at the Ocean View police station. Any person found guilty on charges of animal fighting can be sentenced to a maximum fine of R80,000 and/or 24 months imprisonment with a criminal record,” says Cape of Good Hope.

A small pitbull was rescued from the site. The animal had visible scars and wounds on its body including scratches on its face.

“He has obvious signs of trauma, both physical and emotional but he was seen by our Veterinarian upon arrival last night and again today. His wounds are being treated and his pain is being managed,” says Belinda Abraham from Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

An inspector holding the rescued dog.

What’s more concerning is that children are often involved in these incidents.

“While dogfighting occurs in many areas in Cape Town, almost 40% of prosecutable dogfighting cases (where there is sufficient evidence to open a docket and lay charges in respect of contraventions of the Animals Protection Act No. 71 of 1962) have originated from the Ocean View area.  All of these cases have children as the accused which is gravely concerning as this routine exposure to unfettered animal abuse and neglect is a major contributing factor to a later manifestation of social deviance. Many active street fighters are teenagers, with younger children watching or actively participating in the fights, which often serves as an introduction to gang life. It is well-documented that exposing children to such cruel brutality and repeated violence, leaves them desensitised and with a tendency to perpetuate that cycle of violence, promote insensitivity towards animal suffering, demonstrate an enthusiasm for violence and show disrespect for the law,” adds Abrahams.

Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety Albert Fritz is looking into ways to stop dogfighting for good.

“We were very encouraged to read of the Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety -Minister Albert Fritz’s concerns regarding dogfighting and we have since met with him to explore how the SPCA, the Department of Social Development, South African Police Services and Law Enforcement officials can tackle dogfighting as a unit. Everything about dogfighting is cruel, the breeding, the training and the fight itself,” Abrahams says.

Locals are encouraged to be aware of irresponsible breeders and to ensure their own dogs are sterilised especially if they are power breeds.

“Dogfighters get hold of dogs through irresponsible breeders or they are being stolen. We encourage sterilisation of all power breeds as this acts as a deterrent to theft for fighting or breeding purposes,” adds Abrahams.

The Cape of Good Hope SPCA does all they can to put these activities to an end but asks that the public report such illegal activities to their Inspectorate by calling 021 700 4158/9 or 083 326 1604 – your details will be kept confidential.

Pictures: Cape of Good Hope SPCA
