In December 2019, a survey conducted by Oxford University stipulated that South Africa works longer than any other country in the world. However, a fact check by Africa Check found that while South Africans work long hours, we are among the top 10 countries with the longest hours in the world.

According to Africa Check, the countries that have longer work hours than South Africa include Mexico, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Costa Rica, Singapore, Cambodia, and Myanmar.

“Our World in Data” – which is the name of the Oxford University safety – gathers and presents data from reputable research institutions but does not conduct its own research, says Africa Check.

The fact-checking organisation found that South Africans work an average of 2 209 hours per year. For context, a year has 365 days and approximately 52 weeks. An eight-hour workday, five days a week – with no holidays – adds up to about 2,080 working hours a year.

Cambodian workers put in 2 455.5 hours per year, Mexicans 2 255 hours, and those in Myanmar work an average of 2 437 hours.

Another survey conducted by FitBit found that Capetonians are the most burnt out in the world, while those living in Reykjavik, Iceland, have the most relaxed lives.

Cape Town scored very poorly for its work/life balance, and also scored a zero for youth employment. Those who live in the city are always dissatisfied with their salaries.

The scores for healthcare were also dismally low, while the happiness score is 0.98 out of 10.

A separate study called the Global Digital Yearbook compares and collates just how much screen time each nation across the globe averages on a daily basis. The 2019 edition found that South Africans spend an average of eight hours and 25 minutes per day on a  smartphone or smart device screen, and is second only to the Philippines. Here, residents can spend an average of 10 hours per day on any given device.

ALSO READ: SA among world’s most internet addicted nations

Picture: Pixabay
