Following the devastating discovery of Tazne Van Wyk’s body in a storm water drain in Worcester and the charging of her killer, thousands gathered outside her home on Sunday, February 23 to pay their respects.

The streets outside her family home were filled with friends, neighbours and more as the community mourned her death and remembered her life.

Tazne was abducted on February 7 and her body was found on Wednesday, February 19.

Cars drove through the streets with “RIP Tazne” written on their windows and a sense of sadness and silence fell over the Ravensmead community.

Old and young joined the memorial service and a group of bikers gathered to escort her body from the mortuary to her home.

The United Reformed Church of South Africa held the memorial service for Tazne in Elsies River. Children were asked to stay in the middle of the crowd so they could properly say good bye to their friend. The service began with a moment of silence before the Van Wyk family was asked to come to the front of the church.

Tazne’s funeral will reportedly be held at this same church on Saturday, February 29.

Songs of mourning and remembrance could be heard as the crowd sang for Tazne along with the sound of drums and revving motorcycle engines.

The City and the nation are filled with sadness and shock. Many feel something could have been done to stop this heinous crime from ever happening.

Her killer, who was out on bail for rape, has a long list of offenses including child abuse and murder.

Faith in the government and the policing system has never been so low.

Pictures: Facebook
