A video gaining traction on Facebook is calling for locals to disrupt the Cape Town Cycle Tour in the name of children who have died and the rampant crime in Cape Town.

“There will be no normal sport in an abnormal society,” says Fadiel Adams in the video, who is well-known for starting the Gatvol Capetonian movement, which received recognition among a number of locals who relate to the feeling of being tired of crime in the Mother City and surrounds.

In the video, Adams calls for all those who support what he does to stop the Cape Town Cycle Tour – which, in his opinion, is made up of millionaires who are riding bikes that cost more money than most people in Cape Town will ever make in their lives.

Essentially, Adams is boycotting the much-anticipated event due to the R2-million that is spent on the preparations for the tour that he feels could rather be used to protect children and people in Cape Town from crime.

“I appeal to everybody who is concerned about losing their child next, no normal sport in an abnormal society. Your daughter will not be next,” concludes Adams in the video.

There is no confirmation that Adams will have support from the community this weekend when the Cycle Tour will take place, but currently, the video has over 9000 views, nearly 300 shares and over 100 comments.

“We are dealing with city authorities on the issue. We work very closely with the Ocean View community and invest a lot of money into the community throughout the year. We are concerned about what Adams has said as the Cycle Tour is not only done by people with a lot of money and the event itself is a charitable event that raises money. We are currently engaging with City stake holders and we hope good sense will prevail,” said Cape Town Cycle Tour spokesperson David Bellairs.

Watch the full video here:

“His threat likely constitutes a criminal act which SAPS would need to consider as it may lead to the endangerment of lives or damage to property.
It must also be understood that the Cycle Tour brings a large amount of economic development and jobs to people in the city and it is people who Mr Adams claims to care about who benefit from those jobs. Undermining the Cycle Tour and disrupting it, also undermines the tourism industry which furthermore creates 300 000 jobs in the city. These jobs are also occupied by people who Mr Adams claims to care about. The battle against crime is a battle which must be fought, but this is not the right way to do it,” says JP Smith Mayorial Committee member for Safety and Security.

Picture: Facebook/Radio 786
