Thaabiet Abdol was reunited with his rescuer after posting to social media about his near-drowning at Gordon’s Bay on the weekend.

Abdol met up with Charlie Mentoor to express his appreciation for jumping into the icy waters after Abdol was pulled 800m off shore by a rip current.

Mentoor heard that Abdol was searching for him after a woman who works with his mother came across the Cape Town ETC story and got in touch with Abdol to give him Mentoor’s details.

Mentoor was taking his mom out for her birthday when he saw Abdol struggling in the water.

“Why I jumped in?? How can I sit there and see I can maybe help someone and while I am walking towards the people all just standing there. I ask the All Mighty to guide me and bring us out, while my wife and 2 kids (2 and 4) watching,” said Mentoor in a message to Abdol.

Abdol’s brother, Shameeg, had also tried to swim out to his brother but struggled with the extreme current.

Abdol and Mentoor met up on Monday, March 2, with Abdol explaining what a wonderful person Mentoor is.

“What a guy, despite having a major knee injury that did not stop him from diving into the icy waters to save me,” said Abdol.

“I am really glad your are OK. Was thinking of you kid,” Mentoor told Abdol.

Picture: Supplied
