Emirates airlines has come under scrutiny after an 18-year-old girl was allegedly sexually harassed and nearly assaulted while on an overnight flight last week. It is believed that an intoxicated passenger who is in his 50s groped the teen while she was asleep.

The incident took place on Tuesday, March 3, and when the teen complained to the cabin crew about the incident, she was moved between two other men.

According to CapeTalk, nothing else was done about the predatory flier.

Consumer journalist Wendy Knowler sent a media query to Emirates on behalf of the radio station, and the response she received is as follows: “We place the highest priority on the safety and security of our customers and crew; we take all claims of assault very seriously and have stringent protocols in place for our crew to address them. We are deeply concerned to learn about the incident onboard the flight on 3 March, and have launched a full investigation.”

The mother of the teen is deeply unhappy with the response she has received from the airline as well.

“Emirates is deeply concerned to learn of the allegations raised by your daughter. It goes without saying that we have launched an internal investigation surrounding the events you describe. The safety and comfort of our passengers and crew members are of paramount importance and we have strict protocols in place to address such incidents. As she is no longer a minor, we require her consent for us to speak to you about this incident,” it said in a statement to her.

Picture: Pixabay
