While the rest of the world and some South Africans are hustling to frantically buy necessities for an extended quarantine amid the coronavirus outbreak, the baboons in Buffels Bay have picked up the habit too.

A picture recently taken by Brett Cole is being shared across social media by locals with many saying, “even the baboons are panic buying”.

The troop of baboons reportedly got their hands on the toilet paper from a public restroom and a juvenile chacma baboon decided he’d better take some along with him in case.

According to locals who live in areas like Buffels Bay and other places frequented by baboon troops, they often take toilet paper when they are able to get it, usually ripping the toilet rolls up before moving on.

South Africans across the country are being asked to refrain from panic shopping and to leave enough on the shelves for everyone in need as the coronavirus outbreak affects families everywhere.

A pandemic is no joking matter but we hope this picture will put a smile on your face during these stressful times and maybe encourage a few people out there to leave the panic buying to the baboons in Buffels Bay.

Picture: Brett Cole
