Social distancing goes against our very human instinct to congregate and interact. We naturally gravitate towards the people we like to spend time with. We talk, we laugh, we hug, and we kiss. Not anymore though. Not so much. Not for a long time at least.

If nothing else, the coronavirus has forced us to appreciate the things we take for granted like dining out with friends, sticky summer concerts and mass family gatherings.


But social distancing needn’t be the end of the human experience, just the beginning of a new way of bringing joy into each other’s lives, in a time of growing despair. This is precisely the moment that was created by popular musical duo Acoustic Element on Friday night, when they played a live virtual concert to thousands of fans around the world on Instagram and Facebook.

“Callen and I have always made music, so didn’t make any sense to stop doing that. Self isolation can get difficult, so we wanted to give you a break and a chance to unwind with some acoustic vibes,” said Abel.

Those familiar with the duo’s music will know they regularly pull on the heartstrings with every strum of Jody Abel’s guitar and every soaring love-note from Callen Petersen’s violin. It was the perfect tonic, not only with your gin in hand, but to lift the mood darkened around the world in recent days. They brought a bit of hope and happiness to thousands of people who needed it.

It may not be possible to do live performances these days, but Acoustic Element has shown that music has no boundaries, with technology in hand. Viewers from across the world, in country’s like Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Bahamas and the UK watched online and experienced the concert from the comfort and safety of their homes. Table Mountain was the backdrop to this incredible live experience.

With songs like “Senorita”, “Bad Guy” and “Shallow” they even had their neighbours in and around Wembley Square enthralled. When friend and roommate Jimmy Nevis joined Acoustic Element for a performance of his song “Balloon”, the evening could not have ended on a better note.

Friday’s live virtual concert sparked a feeling that was reminiscent of the scenes we’ve witnessed in places like Italy and Spain, where the virus has forced a lockdown. Unity and a feeling of togetherness are forged in the moments that music and singing creates. We can be physically distant, but united in social solidarity.

The good news is that we will be featuring more live concerts to entertain you, so stay tuned for more information on the next date.

For future bookings please email Acoustic Element at [email protected]
Contact: 073 750 4902
