The official number of coronavirus positive cases in the country has jumped to 402, an increase of 128 cases since yesterday, March 22.

Health Minister Zwelini Mkhize announced the new toll in a statement released today. The minister also announced that the Northern Cape has had its first confirmed case.

The current cases per province are as follows:

Eastern Cape: 2

Free State: 13

Gauteng: 207

KwaZulu-Natal: 60

Limpopo: 4

Mpumalanga: 9

North West: 4

Western Cape: 100

Northern Cape: 2

Unknown: 1

The age demographics are:

Unknown: 129

1-10 years: 9

11-20 years: 6

21-30 years: 52

31-40 years: 69

41-50 years: 42

51-60 years: 63

61-70 years: 20

71-80 years: 11

81-90 years: 1

Ages of 129 cases are currently unknown as the NICD is still verifying information.

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to address the nation tonight [March 23] on the government’s plans to help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the country. Following the address, the Health Department will give further details on the significant rise in cases, the ongoing testing process, and each province’s progress on contact tracing efforts.

Picture: Unsplash
