The SPCA announced on Tuesday, March 24 that staff members would be quarantining with the animals in their care rather than at home with their families.

The announcement, made on Facebook, said that 23 staff members including a veterinarian would be quarantined on site.

“This team of dedicated individuals, will be leaving their families and their home comforts to ensure that all our current animals are cared for and that stray and critically ill animals can still be admitted at this time.”

In the statement, the SPCA appealed to the public for any caravan donations, so that the team could “sleep with a measure of comfort and privacy while on site.”

A production manager in the film industry, Calvin Hayward, saw the post and reached out to the public to help the SPCA, according to Good Things Guy. Fleet Star Trailers saw the post and donated their luxury on-set trailers to the SPCA. Staff will be sleeping and residing in comfort and style while doing the incredible work they do.

In their statement, SPCA continued, “We also anticipate that many animals will be abandoned at this time as people leave for their homes in other provinces and we are in process of setting up a system for pet food donations at supermarkets.

“We ask that you think of our animals at this time and that you assist with a donation of pet food whenever you shop for yourself and your families,” they concluded.

Please use the number 0833261604 to contact the SPCA during lockdown. A list of participating stores will be released soon.


Picture: Cape of Good Hope SPCA
