As South Africa has entered an official nationwide lockdown in an unprecedented event that will no doubt go down in history, many are fearful for their health, unsure of what the future holds and frustrated with having to be confined to their home.

A recent video posted on Instagram offers great encouragement and advice from many countries that have been under lockdown for a while now, and some countries like China have already seen great recoveries and drops in the infection rate as a result of the lockdown.

Many residents from far eastern countries have shared their thoughts and experiences on the COVID-19 crisis that has had ripple effects across the world. One thing stands out: the realisation that no one is alone during this time. We’re all in this together and we are stronger than we think.

Some say they have started working out regularly and feel more healthy than ever. Some read more and learn new languages, others focus on time they get to spend with their family.

“It’s hard. It’s scary,” is the honest response of one man from China.

The outcome is positive, however and shows us what can happen if we all work together. “We did it and it worked,” says another man from South Korea. “One thing that’s for sure, is this will pass.”

Take a look at the heartwarming video here:

Picture: Pixabay

