The South African citizens who were quarantined at the Ranch Resort in Limpopo after being repatriated from Wuhan are officially able to return home to their families today.  The area has now been declared a green zone.

The citizens have been in quarantine at the Ranch for two weeks upon their return from Wuhan City, where the coronavirus outbreak began.

Today [March 29], President Cyril Ramaphosa and other ministers were present to see off the 112 citizens and those involved in their repatriation. All those that were under quarantine have tested negative for COVID-19 and are safe to return home to their families.

Ramaphosa thanked the crew members and officers who helped return the citizens home to South African shores.

“We are now able to declare The Ranch a green zone,” the President said during his address. “It has been a red zone all along where we had put our students, the cabin crew of the flight that fetched them, as well as our military medical officers and the crew that flew them here, in quarantine, together with the staff that work here.

“That meant that this place was declared a red zone. Now we have gone past the 14 days of quarantine and everybody who is in this facility has been tested and has found to be negative of Coronavirus,” Ramaphosa continued.

Picture: Twitter / Dr. Zweli Mkhize
